February 2025
February is the second month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the shortest with only 28 days in "common" years and and 29 in leap years. It is the third and last month of the meteorological winter here in the Northern Hemisphere - but will the weather reflect this? The gardens here in the UK are showing strong signs of life and for the romantics among us surely the most important day in the month is the 14th ~ Valentine's Day!
This month, from Volume 7 of Colin Baker's books we have a short piece by Christopher Bean. It was very much the common practice for the Nyasa folk to nickname individuals, certainly a good way to remember people and something many of us might also like to try! So, here we have Christopher remembering his own known nicknames!
Click here to read it
This month, from Volume 7 of Colin Baker's books Vanessa Farmery recounts her experience of "make do and mend" in her article "Needlework in Nyasaland".
Click here to read it
Matey's Memoirs - In chapters three, four and five, of his latest proposed book Robin Martin writes of the time he spent in the Nyasaland Police. Courtesy of his daughter, Anne Blackman, these chapters have been made
available to us and Part 4 of Chapter 5 can now be viewed on the Items of Interest page.
Barry Thorne - From his book, "A Varied Life", Barry has generously volunteered to share those chapters relating to Nyasaland via this website over the next month or so. This month, now available on the Items of Interest page, he tells of his postings to Blantyre and Limbe.
Chit-Chat Re-visited (2014) ~ Ellard & Odrick
Ellard and Odrick, two characters from the Chikwawa District who appeared in the Native Court in connection of a young girl taken, apparently, in the Shire river by a crocodile. That is, until an African CID man on leave in the area, decided it needed further investigation. To read all about it Click here for an extract from the The Spokesman-Review of Aug 29, 1962.
N. Ngona Aug 2014
And, further (thanks to Mick Thacker), click here for a copy of a cutting from the local newspaper.
NEWSLETTER No 1 of 2022
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